How to succeed with Property to Create Your Ideal Lifestyle
The Steps to Success and Seven Critical Mistakes

Failing to plan for your property decisions can be one of the most expensive mistakes you can make.
A mistake in your home or investment strategy can be very costly and consequently have impacts on your retirement plans. It makes sense to seek specialist independent advice for accumulating your greatest asset. Like any profession, it takes years of experience to build your knowledge in property. I recommend you take advantage of the wisdom and experience that is shared in ‘How to Succeed in Property’. Before you do anything else, read this book and organise a meeting with the expert team at Property Planning Australia who provide fiercely independent Property Planning and have helped thousands of Australians since 2004.
(and how to be the 5% who invest successfully in property)
Property education courses always fail to provide two critically important ingredients:
Personalised written and verbal advise.
This makes sense as you are very likely to make major and expensive mistakes. Yet the reason you want property education is buy property safely and confidently!
Property education and mentoring courses are generic and not specific to your exact life situation.
It is also concerning, that they can be a front for either:
- A ‘mentoring’ service which is code for zero personalised written strategy, modelling and analysis but ongoing ‘education’ that you keep paying through the nose for within largely a group setting.
- Or worse, a way to sell you a property.
This is a core reason why 95% of property courses and mentoring are a rort!
They just give you general knowledge, basic information or attempt to sell you a poor asset.
It is costly, complex and time consuming to build from scratch personalised Property Plans and Strategies without earning a fee from selling or buying property, investment, insurance or super products.
This is why Property Planning Australia is the first company to take on such a huge task!
Why you need 100% independent property advie
- Real estate agents work for the property owner, not you.
- Property developers pay $15,000 – $50,000 in commissions to real estate agents, accountants, mortgage brokers and financial planners to steer you towards their properties at inflated prices to cover these commissions.
- Property investment seminar companies only hold seminars to teach you how to buy the over-priced properties they’re selling on behalf of builders and developers.
- Most financial planners recommend you buy shares instead of property because they don’t get paid for selling property, even if that’s the best option for you.
- Buyers agents will not help you to develop a strategy and plan, they will only recommend property that is in their geographical area of expertise. The appropriate property for you could be anywhere in Australia.
Property Planning Australia provides 100% unbiased property advice and education.
They are the only company in Australia who does not receive a fee from buying or selling property, and do not sell investment or insurance products.
Three expensive mistakes to avoid
This is your biggest risk when getting property education and advice. If you don’t pay for advice, it will be biased advice. (Even the free advice from your friends and family is biased towards their own experiences and biases in life, good or bad, and generally conflicting causing you more confusion, and inaction).
There is a reason every property company either earns income from selling property, buying property, insurance, super and investment products. It is very difficult to create a personalised service!
This is why it’s so important to actually pay for quality advice. We do not question paying for a specialist Doctor if we need expert advice.
Just like you pay an accountant, doctor or lawyer for their advice. High quality advice always costs less than “free” advice in the long run.
- Should I buy a home or investment property next (or both)?
- How many properties do I really need to safeguard my retirement?
- If I am buying a future home, what does it look, what will it cost, should it be next, and if not, how does that impact my investment decision?
- What will my financial situation look like after I purchase and does this align with my Money Goals (hang on, I don’t set Money Goals)
- How can I avoid having to rely only on superannuation or the pension when I retire?
- Where do I get 100% unbiased advice?
- How do I set up an effective Money Management System that seamlessly works in with my mortgage strategy?
- How do I avoid paying too much when buying property?
- How do I avoid property scams?
- When should I buy my next property?
- What location should I buy in (which is multi layered)?
- What property type should I buy?
- How does a mortgage strategy fit into buying multiple properties?
It’s like a financial plan but for property (home or investment) and does not involve the sale of any financial products. Specifically, it takes all our property education and rolls it into personalised research and advice for your exact situation including modelling, simulations and cash flow analysis.
A property plan solves the #1 problem people talk about most: how to reach retirement comfortably and not worry about money so you can sleep easily when you head hits the pillow.
A customised property plan means you can enjoy a retirement that is financially stress free. The plan helps secure your financial future and gives you a safe path to retirement that lets you stop worrying about money.
If you’re worried about making costly mistakes when buying property, not having an effective mortgage strategy, risk management strategy or money management system and want to make the best possible investment decisions, then a property plan is for you.
Once your goals are clear and our analysis complete, you will have multiple meetings with you (in person and via video conference as appropriate). This builds your customised property plan around all your financial and personal needs for right now and into the future.
You have a number of meetings and receive multiple personalised plans and strategy reports to digest before determining the way forward.
This includes working closely with you throughout the process to ensure the plan is customised to your exact situation and specific needs.
Our advanced financial modelling provides scenarios for various next property decisions, or future simulations with our Property Portfolio Plan over your next 5, 10 or until scaling back employment taking into account all of life’s changes along the way: buying more investment properties, upgrading or renovating your family home, pay rises, having children, parental leave breaks, school fees, property growth rates, inflation, interest rates, tax law changes, etc.
You’ll also get a full property education along the way (the University endorsed property course is included in the property planning journey).
Our property planning services range in price from $0 to $3,900 depending on your needs.
This is money well spent when the most basic mistakes in property, mortgages, money management and poor risk managements could cost you anywhere from $10,000 – $1,000,000 plus over time (and mean an uncomfortable retirement with constant money worries).
A property plan will help you avoid these mistakes (and many more). Which is why your property plan is really an investment, not a cost.
David is the founder and Managing Director of Property Planning Australia. He is the author of ‘How to Succeed with Property to Create your Ideal Lifestyle’ and ‘Property for Life – Using Property to Plan Your Financial Future’ published by Wiley. Property Planning Australia was established in 2004 – born out of David’s vision to educate and empower Australians to make successful property, mortgage strategy and money management decisions on the pathway to creating their ideal lifestyle.
David’s driving force has always been family, and he thinks that is common for most. He has a passionate belief that independence from selling property and investment products focuses the advice and service squarely on you and your family. In 2007, Peter Koulizos, Australia’s most respected University and Tafe Property Lecturer partnered with the team and together they ran the only university endorsed property education course. Peter continues to partner with David and the team because of the focus on property, mortgage and money management strategies based on what is right for you. At its essence, Property Planning is designed to educate and empower you to make life’s most expensive and emotional decisions – to successfully buy property, the only asset class we live in and invest in.
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